I'll help you thrive in your career & life!

Inside this bespoke program, I'll share evidence based, effective and ethical coaching, positive psychology & wellbeing tools to help you feel joyful and energised with greater meaning in your life.

  • It's time to reclaim your personal power, time and wellbeing.

  • To do more of what you love to do every day knowing these healthy and nurturing choices are good for you and those you love too.

  • Lighten your mental load by setting boundaries and trusting yourself, instead of trying to keep up with what everyone else thinks you ’should’ be doing.

Together we will...

Uncover Your Unique Path to Wellbeing - Map out an achievable pathway to prioritise your wellbeing.

Value Yourself - Tap into your unique strengths and overcome perfectionism.

Re-ignite the spark within - Restore your energy, wellbeing and inner peace.

Reclaim your time for you - Make space in your life to do more of what you love.

Become your own BFF - Cultivate a supportive inner dialogue and treat yourself with self-compassion and loving kindness.

Decide what you really want - Find clarity
and overcome indecision, overthinking & procrastination.

Set boundaries with confidence - Say ‘no’,
speak your mind and ask for what you need,
without the guilt.

Relax Your Body & Mind - Tune into and honour your unique wellbeing needs.

Feel Good More of the Time - Be present, enjoy life and thrive!

Thrive 1:1 Coaching Includes...

  • 90 Days 1:1 Private Coaching

  • 90 Minute Initial Deep Dive Session

  • Fortnightly 1:1 Coaching Sessions

  • Unlimited email/voxer support between sessions

About me...


Coach & Co-Founder - True Colours Co

BSc(Hons), MPsych (Couns), Dip(Mgt)

Counselling Psychologist

For more than a decade, I've been supporting women to step into leadership, clarity, inspiration and self-trust so they can create success, impact and a thriving life, THEIR way!

Are you ready to take the first step?

Book your complimentary personal call to learn more about whether Thrive coaching is right for you.

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